Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What To Consider For Better Rank On Google

What To Consider For Better Rank On Google
What To Consider For Better Rank On Google
Use of the updates from panda and penguin will ensure that the sites get to experience many visitors to their sites, which in turn translates into money.
 Some of the factors to consider in the sites proper function include

Number of Backlinks
The use of excessive number of backlinks triggers off the action of penguin.
 This is turn allows the sites to have low ranks on the search engines.
 Thus, for a site to rate well on Google search results they must fewer backlinks that are all relevant.
 This will ensure that the site does not get low ranks due to the action of penguin.

Sites of Links
This mainly covers the areas through which the sites get the links.
 If the site acquires its links from low ranking sites then they are in trouble with penguin.
 The use of links from low ranking site often triggers off penguin.
 This can easily be avoidable with links from site that are high in the search engine results.
 There are linking services that could ensure that the sites get links from high sites.
 One of the linking services includes the use of Angela’s and Paul’s links.
 This linking service will ensure that the links the site acquires are all top of the line and from highly placed sites.

Avoid Over Optimization
The use of the search engine optimization techniques ensure that the sites get high ranks on the search engines however, the use of the techniques excessively often offers a high possibility of triggering off panda.
 These are the sentiments from some of the SEO experts. The use of SEO should then be of a limited content.
 The sites should ensure that they undertake the practice of search engine optimization but with limited standards.
 This in turn would ensure that the sites get to experience the high ranks on Google.
The above when implemented will ensure that the site rates extremely well on Google search results.

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