Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What To Consider For Better Rank On Google

What To Consider For Better Rank On Google
What To Consider For Better Rank On Google
Use of the updates from panda and penguin will ensure that the sites get to experience many visitors to their sites, which in turn translates into money.
 Some of the factors to consider in the sites proper function include

Number of Backlinks
The use of excessive number of backlinks triggers off the action of penguin.
 This is turn allows the sites to have low ranks on the search engines.
 Thus, for a site to rate well on Google search results they must fewer backlinks that are all relevant.
 This will ensure that the site does not get low ranks due to the action of penguin.

Sites of Links
This mainly covers the areas through which the sites get the links.
 If the site acquires its links from low ranking sites then they are in trouble with penguin.
 The use of links from low ranking site often triggers off penguin.
 This can easily be avoidable with links from site that are high in the search engine results.
 There are linking services that could ensure that the sites get links from high sites.
 One of the linking services includes the use of Angela’s and Paul’s links.
 This linking service will ensure that the links the site acquires are all top of the line and from highly placed sites.

Avoid Over Optimization
The use of the search engine optimization techniques ensure that the sites get high ranks on the search engines however, the use of the techniques excessively often offers a high possibility of triggering off panda.
 These are the sentiments from some of the SEO experts. The use of SEO should then be of a limited content.
 The sites should ensure that they undertake the practice of search engine optimization but with limited standards.
 This in turn would ensure that the sites get to experience the high ranks on Google.
The above when implemented will ensure that the site rates extremely well on Google search results.

Monday, September 29, 2014

How Much Time People Spend On The Major Social Networks

How Much Time People Spend On The Major Social Networks
How Much Time People Spend On The Major Social Networks
We tend to talk about social networks in terms of size, because audience reach is one of social media’s biggest advantages. That’s why Facebook gets so much attention. With 1.2 billion monthly active users, it’s a beast

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Here are our findings: 
  • Social is now the top Internet activity: Americans spend more time on social media than any other major Internet activity, including email.
  • Social-mobile rules: 60% or so of social media time is spent not on desktop computers but on smartphones and tablets.  
  • Facebook attracts roughly seven times the engagement that Twitter does, when looking at both smartphone and PC usage, in per-user terms
  • Snapchat is a smaller network than WhatsApp, but outpaces it in terms of time-spend per user. 
  • Pinterest, Tumblr and LinkedIn made major successful pushes last year to increase engagement on their mobile sites and apps. The new race in social media is not for audience per se, but for multi-device engagement.

Things Young Self-Made Millionaires Have In Common

Things Young Self-Made Millionaires Have In Common
Things Young Self-Made Millionaires Have In Common
there are a few key characteristics that set certain people up to earn big early on, according to Peter Voogd, founder of the Game Changers Academy, who made his first million before turning 26.
"You don't make a million by accident," he says in a recent LinkedIn post. "If it's not a goal you sure as hell won't hit it."
Here are four vital traits that young, successful millionaires share, as observed firsthand by Voogd:

They have a sense of urgency.

Young millionaires become successful so early in life because they constantly work toward success instead of waiting for opportunities to come to them. "Now matters more than any other time, and the 'someday isle' mentality is killing so many dreams," Voogd says. Millionaires make monetary success a top priority from day one, instead of pushing it to the back burner as something they'd like to achieve someday.

They find a strong mentor. 

Millionaires don't reach that status alone, and even self-made millionaires find smart, wise mentors to guide them as they build their careers. "Success rises and falls on who you associate with, so make sure you stay aware of your surroundings," Voogd says. Learning from those who came before you is key to making the right business decisions, and a good mentor will challenge you and help you focus on bigger thinking, Voogd adds.

They focus on leverage.

Time is money, and while the traditional method of trading your time for a proportional payment will earn you a decent salary, it won't make you a millionaire. "At some point you have to focus on scaling and leverage," Voogd says. "Investment properties, membership sites, building a brand, partnerships, affiliate marketing, different types of programs, etc." Young millionaires maximize their time to make sure they're always earning as much as possible. 

They don't care what other people think.

"People who care what others think of them will always be limited to others' opinions," Voogd says. Young millionaires don't waste time trying to please people who don't believe in them or win over those that don't support them. Instead, they focus on their own vision and learn to believe in themselves. To become truly successful, "you must give up the need to be liked by everybody," Voogd warns.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

What Is Social Media Marketing?

What Is Social Media Marketing?
What Is Social Media Marketing?
Social media itself is a catch-all term for sites that may 
provide radically different social actions.
 For instance, Twitter is a social site designed to let people 
share short messages or “updates” with others.
 Facebook, in contrast is a full-blown social networking site
 that allows for sharing updates, photos,
 joining events and a variety of other activities.

Social media often feeds into the discovery of new content 
such as news stories,
 and “discovery” is a search activity.
 Social media can also help build links that in turn support 
into SEO efforts.
 Many people also perform searches at social media sites to 
find social media content.
 Social connections may also impact the relevancy of some 
search results,
 either within a social media network or at a ‘mainstream’ 

 internet marketing, including these popular topics 
within social media marketing:
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Google+ 
  • Linkedin
  • YouTube
  • Social Media Marketing How To Guides & more!.

good tool for Social Media Monitoring ( BuzzSumo ) .

good tool for Social Media Monitoring ( BuzzSumo ) .
good tool for Social Media Monitoring ( BuzzSumo ) .


In other words, BuzzSumo is the social media version of Google, but with different search filters. 
 You can filter content by type such as, articles, guest posts, inforgraphics, giveaways, interviews and videos.

More than a social media monitoring tool, this could also be used as a content marketing tool. As a business, you can research topics related to your business that gets a lot of buzz in your industry. I have included this under the social media monitoring tools as it helps you identify and monitor popular content in your niche as well as the social media popularity of that content in platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+.

Facebook Adds Display Of Video Views As They Soar Past 1 Billion Daily

Facebook Adds Display Of Video Views As They Soar Past 1 Billion Daily
Facebook Adds Display Of Video Views As They Soar Past 1 Billion Daily
Facebook video is growing up, but it’s still early days for 
marketers trying to figure out how to use the platform to 
connect with consumers.
That’s the main takeaway from the flurry of stories today 
reacting to Facebook’s announcement that video on the
 network is getting more than 1 billion daily views and that it 
will start displaying view counts on video.
  There’s no doubt that Facebook users are watching more 
video. The company has been making sure of that since last 
December by serving it with audio-free autoplay in News 
Feeds. It also adjusted the News Feed algorithm in June to
 show more video to people who tend to watch a lot of video.
 And the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge alone has sparked more 
than 17 million videos that have been viewed 10 billion times 
by 440 million people between June 1 and September 1.
So it’s no surprise that Facebook reports that video views 
grew by 50% between May and June and that since June
 views are averaging more than a billion a day or that 65% of 
those views are happening on mobile devices.
But what does that mean for publishers, businesses and 
other marketers trying to reach customers on Facebook? I
 believe, it’s too early to tell what the long-term potential will
 be. For one thing, the auto-play video in News Feeds is still
 something of a novelty and it’s quite possible that users will
 start to tune it out. For another, producing compelling video
 is not easy or inexpensive, so marketers and publishers with 
limited budgets might stay on the sidelines.
 Video advertisers are also seeing good results,
 Facebook said in a blog post.  Helped by the use of the 
video views targeting objective, advertisers are “seeing a 
significant decrease in cost per view for their Facebook video
 ads. So in the coming weeks, we’ll extend the availability of 
 videos that play automatically to more content from more 
brands in the US.”
For marketers of more limited means, there’s not much to 
report, although Facebook Page administrators have been 
given access to more detailed video analytics, which will aid 
measuring the effectiveness of campaigns.
Also, Facebook has added the ability for Pages to add calls 
to action that display at the end of videos, “allowing content
 creators to invite people to visit a destination, such as a 
website, after the video ends to learn more, watch more or 
make a purchase.”

Advanced Blogging: How to Go Big With Your Blog

Advanced Blogging: How to Go Big With Your Blog
Advanced Blogging: How to Go Big With Your Blog
It’s designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing.

The Social Media Marketing podcast is a show from Social Media Examiner.

The show format is on-demand talk radio (also known as podcasting).

In this episode, I interview Darren Rowse, the world’s leading authority on blogging. He authored the book ProBlogger and founded two popular blogs: Digital Photography School and ProBlogger. Darren has been blogging since 2002 and his work has inspired millions of people.

Darren shares how he built a mega-blog with millions of monthly readers.

Share your feedback, read the show notes and get the links mentioned in this episode below!

You’ll discover how to attract more readers, engage your audience and monetize your blog.
Advanced Blogging

In 2002 Darren came across a blog for the first time and knew right away it was a medium he wanted to explore. Almost immediately, he started his first blog.

Darren explains that he had no background in technology or writing, just a fascination with community and communication.

He developed an audience for his personal blog over the next year and a half, writing about a variety of niche topics (photography, spirituality, movies, politics). When his audience “complained” that there was too much variety, Darren split the topics up into different blogs.

Listen to the show to hear how many blogs Darren launched over the years

From there, Darren began to experiment with making money from blogging. It evolved from a hobby into a part-time job, then grew into a full-time business.

Ebooks tend to be their primary income stream, he explains. They have 21 ebooks, two of which have printables. They try to launch four or five ebooks each year. It’s great for bloggers to have a nice library, Darren explains, so they can do cross-selling, bundling and author packs.

They also use a mix of different advertising: direct to advertisers, ad networks and affiliate promotions like Amazon, as well as other people’s ebooks and membership sites. They recently launched a sister site called SnapnDeals: a deal site for photographers.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool

Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool
Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool
The main purpose of the SERP Snippet Optimization Tool is

 to allow webmasters and content publishers to strategically

 construct page titles and meta description tags that will 

result in aesthetically-pleasing or eye-catching listings in 

Google's organic search results.

 Using this tool "SERP Snippet" , you can optimize the content of your titles .

and snippets to maximize your click-through rate (CTR) from 

Google. In other words, you can increase your organic 

search engine traffic for a specific keyword...

even if you can't improve your rankings.

 This tactic can be especially useful in situations where you 

know you'll probably never outrank the sites above yours 

(e.g. a very strong competitor,

 a Wikipedia page, a government website, etc.) for certain


 In those scenarios, your best option is to make your site's

 listing stand out from the rest and look as inviting as


Here is a brief explanation of the various elements that can 

be found in a typical Google Web Search result.

Title -

Snippet (Meta Description)

Rich Snippet

 SERP This snippet tool and the content of this website are 

not affiliated with Google nor endorsed by them.

 The Google logo and any other trademarks owned by 

Google contained herein are used for educational/non-commercial purposes only.

 I have made every effort to replicate the appearance of 

Google's search results as accurately as possible,

 however the information on this website is provided "as is" 

without any representations or warranties, express or 


How to Create and Manage the Perfect Page on Facebook for Business: A to Z Guide

How to Create and Manage the Perfect Page on Facebook for Business: A to Z Guide
Great! So where should you start? And is there an easy blueprint to follow?

We’ve experimented a lot with various Facebook marketing tips over the past several months, and we’ve enjoyed figuring out the best way to create and manage our Facebook page here at Buffer. I’d love to share with you how the process has worked so far!

Since things continue to change regularly with Facebook and its algorithm, consider this A to Z guide as a great jumping off point. Start here, test what works for your individual business and brand, and make changes as you learn.
Step 1: Fill out your basic business info

Open the following URL to create a business page on Facebook:


Once there, you’ll choose one of the following six categories for your page:

1. Local business or place
2. Company, organization, or institution
3. Brand or product
4. Artist, band, or public figure
5. Entertainment
6. Cause or community

It’s something to think about when choosing a category.

Following the category selection, the next setup screen will ask for a descriptive sentence or two about your page, a URL, a Facebook page URL, and a profile picture. If you’ve selected a local business, you’ll also have the ability to select category tags to further define what your store sells.

About your page – You get 155 characters to describe your page. This description appears prominently near the top of your Facebook page on both desktop and mobile. Be as descriptive and helpful as possible.

URL – The web address for your store, company, or brand.

Facebook URL / username – You may have the option to choose a custom vanity URL for your page, i.e. facebook.com/yourbrandname.

(In some cases, Facebook will ask that you reach 25 fans first before you can unlock a custom Facebook URL.)

Profile picture – Upload a main profile picture/icon for your page. This photo will appear as your icon every time you comment on a post or publish in a news feed. Square dimensions are best. Facebook will force rectangular photos to be cropped to squares.

Profile pictures should be at least 180 pixels wide by 180 pixels tall. Here is a full list of the sizes that Facebook uses for your profile picture in various places around the site:

The main profile image on your page – 160 x 160
In a news feed – 100 x 100
In your timeline – 86 x 86
Next to comments – 43 x 43
The final two steps in the setup process include adding your page to your main Facebook menu (so you can access it quickly and easy each time you log in) and setting up a Facebook ad to promote your new page. These options can be skipped for now.

Step 2: Create an awesome cover image in a snap (no designer required!)

By this point your page is live for all the world to visit. Let’s see if we can make it look even snazzier.

First thing, add a cover photo. The cover photo appears across the top of your page and is a great opportunity to deliver a visual element that supports your branding, draws attention, or elicits emotion from your visitors.

The dimensions for your cover image should be a minimum of 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall.

You can certainly hire a designer to make you something fabulous, or you can go the DIY route. Many photo editing apps like Pic Monkey or BeFunky can help with creating images of just the right dimensions. Canva is another super helpful tool for Facebook cover photos as it comes with several premade templates that look great right out of the box.

Here’s an example of a Canva template you could choose. You can upload your own image to use as the background, and you can edit the text to say whatever you’d like.

Step 3: Fill out your profile completely

Next, you can fill out your profile even more by adding information to your Page Info section. To access this section, click on Settings in the top menu bar on your page, then click Page Info.

Step 4: Add collaborators to your page

If you plan on sharing your Facebook marketing duties with a team, you’ll want to grant access for various folks and various roles.

Here are the roles that you can choose from:

Admin – Complete and total access to everything (you are an admin by default)

Editor - Can edit the Page, send messages and post as the Page, create ads, see which admin created a post or comment, and view insights.

Moderator - Can respond to and delete comments on the Page, send messages as the Page, see which admin created a post or comment, create ads, and view insights.

Advertiser - Can see which admin created a post or comment, create ads and view insights.

Analyst - Can see which admin created a post or comment and view insights.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Facebook’s Ad Network Challenge To Google Coming Next Week

Facebook’s Ad Network Challenge To Google Coming Next Week
Facebook’s Ad Network Challenge To Google Coming Next Week

Based on the company’s Atlas acquisition from Microsoft, “it promises to help marketers understand which Facebook users have seen, interacted with or acted upon ads that appear both on Facebook’s services and on third-party websites and apps.”
The new network will also be a “demand side platform” permitting dynamic bidding for impressions on third party sites. Given the data that Facebook has about its users the new platform could pose a formidable challenge to Google (not to mention Yahoo).

In 2013 Google made just over $13.2 billion from non-Google sites displaying its ads. Perhaps the most interesting and provocative aspect of the WSJ report involves the cookie-less cross-platform dimension of the network. The idea is to turn the Facebook ID itself into the new cookie:
 With Atlas, Facebook hopes to fix those [cookie] problems by linking users’ ad interactions to their Facebook accounts, which can be used to track users across both desktop and mobile devices, albeit on an anonymous basis. For example, a marketer using Atlas might now be able to understand that a customer purchased a product on a desktop computer, but first saw an ad for it on their smartphone device. Facebook already tracks users this way across its own service, but Atlas will now extend the functionality to other sites and apps. Facebook also plans to pitch marketers on the concept of using Atlas to tie consumers’ offline behaviors to their online ones. For instance, a consumer who purchases a pair of shoes in a store might volunteer her email address at the checkout. Facebook could then use that email address to inform the retailer if, when, and where the consumer saw its ads across the Web, if the email address is tied to a Facebook account.
 The difference between this and other behavioral solutions is that Facebook has far more data and far more accurate data on users’ preferences, likes, interests and cross-platform behavior than any other advertising entity or platform. In some ways this is the realization of what Facebook has been building toward. However the depth and comprehensiveness of the approach is sure to draw the scrutiny and (probably) ire of European regulators if not others, eventually, around the world.

Inbound marketing is complicated. Moz’s software makes it easy.

Inbound marketing is complicated. Moz’s software makes it easy.
Inbound marketing is complicated. Moz’s software makes it easy.
Create and manage online business listings with a single click. Moz Local publishes your listings to the search engines, apps, and directories that factor most into local search results.

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